About La Plata Conservation District

LPCD was formed March 18, 1947 and comprises the majority of La Plata County with the exception of the Pine River Conservation District.
Conservation Districts are political subdivisions of the State of Colorado – Their authorities, powers, and structure are contained in Colorado Revised Statutes, Title 35, Article 70.
Certificate of Formation for La Plata Conservation District
Function of the La Plata Conservation District:
To make available technical, financial and educational resources, whatever their source, and focus on coordinating them so that they meet the needs of the local landowners for conservation management of soil, water, forest and related natural resources.
Mission of the La Plata Conservation District:
“To facilitate programs that conserve our district’s natural resources for all citizens and future generations by utilizing any available funding, technical and educational resources, and through voluntary efforts.”
Services Offered by the La Plata Conservation District:
- Seedling sales and seedling survival product sales.
- Resource management information and assistance in cooperation with partnering organizations and agencies.
- Landowner education, workshops, and field trips.
- Scholarship program for 2 or 4 year colleges for students who attended high school within the district and can demonstrate their college program will support agriculture or natural resources.
- Sponsorship of one or more local youth to attend CACD’s Camp Rocky in Divide, CO.
- Equipment rentals to support small and large landowners/co-operators.
- Grant and cost share assistance for resource management practices (varies from year to year).
Prioritized Natural Resource Issues & Goals
To further aid in identifying trends and to help focus where La Plata Conservation District should be concentrating its efforts, LPCD’s Board of Supervisors and local NRCS office personnel jointly hosted a Local Workgroup in March 2024. The results created a list of key issues.
LPCD Ranked Critical Resource Concerns
Concern #1: Water - excess water, insufficient water or water quality issues.
Concern #2: Soil - soil erosion, soil quality degradation, or soil health
Concern #3: Plants - reduced health or quality of plants
Concern #4: Animals - inability to meet livestock or wildlife habitat needs
Concern #5: Energy - reduced energy efficiency for equipment of field operations