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San Juan Watershed

The San Juan Watershed consists of six conservation districts; Dove Creek CD, High Desert CD, Mancos CD, La Plata CD, Pine River CD and San Juan CD.

The mission of the San Juan Watershed is to provide a forum for communication and support of member Conservation Districts to address regional concerns and needs.

The vision of The San Juan Watershed is to facilitate  program awareness, accessibility and support to member Conservation Districts.

Purpose of Watershed Associations

Watersheds serve several purposes for CDs and the conservation partners in each area. Some of the major purposes include:

·         Offering a forum for communication, including educational programs of general interest to those attending or to provide specific information on new, creative conservation programming.

·         Sharing information on programs and events between all districts and the conservation partners invited to participate in the meetings.

·         Serving as a clearinghouse for WA participants’ concerns, giving those attending the opportunity to discuss emerging or ongoing problems impacting citizens throughout the entire watershed.

·         Providing WA districts with a unified voice through the Colorado Association of Conservation Districts resolution process to positively impact conservation and natural resource issues in Colorado. Learn more about CACD Resolutions and view the CACD Bill Tracker in the links at the bottom of the page.

·         Giving board members the chance to recognize the exceptional on the ground conservation activities implemented by farmers, ranchers, or small acreage landowners in their area through the CACD Awards. Find more information in the link at the bottom of the page.