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Meeting Minutes for April 9, 2024

Date and Time: Tuesday, April 9, 2024, at 2:00 PM

List of Attendees

Board Members: Debbie Lee, President

Kent Grant, Secretary/Treasurer

Ginny DeJong 

Morgan Wagoner

Kelly McCaw - LPCD Bookkeeper

NRCS - Ed McCaw


Call to Order: 2:00 p.m. by Debbie Lee, LPCD President

Welcome and Introductions: Debbie

Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes: 

  • The minutes from the March meeting were distributed by Kent and were reviewed by the other Board members and Ed. Ginny moved to accept the minutes, Debbie seconded, and the motion passed.

Financial Report 

  • Kelly gave the financial report from the documents she had prepared. It was mentioned that we can get a sales tax discount from the state and City of Durango, so will look into. Kelly said she would like to make more entry categories on the financial report and the Board was fine with her doing this.

Unfinished Business

  1. River Trailer
    • April 22, 2024 is Earth Day and can use curriculum developed for Trailer. Liability and rental agreement – car insurance doesn’t often cover towing a trailer now. Ginny needs animals, etc. for trailer (to use as sand box props). Cover is being made for the trailer and new tires will be purchased. Who does the booking for the 31 Suttle St, Durango, CO 81303 email: website: USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender. trailer? Ginny said our online store could potentially be used for this. Debbie suggested Google Docs. The Plot Master is on our online store now with a calendar. Suggested we charge schools but not agency for use of river trailer. A 15% cancellation charge was suggested, but we can work with the person/entity on this. Kent needs to submit request for liability insurance quote to Special District Association of Colorado.
  2. IT - Ginny
    • $1,200 to get our original website domain name back. We need to annually get our domain name extended through GoDaddy, but will have it set up to automatically renew. $32.99/year for online store(?). Old domain name $35/year for auto renewal and protection. $95.88 for email (info @, but we might drop this. Email with is $35/year. Emails for other CD members?

NRCS Report

Ed McCaw, NRCS Acting District Conservationist and Resource Team #7 Lead

  1. NRCS Position Status:
    • New Planner onboard – Rachel Curuthers from South Dakota. She is an “expert” on river trailers and is a go-getter!
    • Sofia Thompson will be a new Planner assigned to Durango and will start on May 5th .
    • The selected Engineering Tech backed out. Cortez office is helping out at present.
    • The Tribal Liaison position closed. Only had two candidates for the positions in Taowac and Ignacio.
    • Resource Conservationist (lead Planner) was extended today since few applicants. The higher positions are harder to fill.
    • Program Support Specialist (Kristina’s old job)
    • Forester – advertised through the Wild Turkey Federation, to support Cortez position so will run out of Durango since no apps for Cortez.
    • 25 to 60-some positions(?) on Western Slope – most in the state, but Cortez and Durango still hurting
    • Mike (engineer) is doing well. He was selected by USDA/USDI to assist with water irrigation projects in Romania. Rachel is doing well.
    • The SUIT is showing interest in NRCS here doing more youth outreach and education.
    • San Juan Watershed Meeting: Meeting was well attended. San Juan CD did not attend. Chad Cherefko, Joel Lee, and Ed were at the meeting, as well as Ginny from LPCD.
    • NRCS Program Update: Note: Over $2,000,000 received from IRA (Inflation Reduction Act) Act Now(?) – 17 apps pre-approved 1 – irrigation 1 – soil health 2 – stream improvement for wildlife 14 – forestry Obligation deadline for funding is June 1st .
    • CSP – 7 apps, not including the SUIT’s for 800,000 acres. Assessment done by April 15th, and funding obligated by June 1st .
    • Tribal CSP application proceeding on tract. This is a big deal and will be huge! Probably the number one Resource Team in the state for obligating and spending money in all NRCS programs.
    • State Quality Assurance Review: Scheduled for June 3rd through June 7th . Lots of NRCS brass coming down for this. When it is your first year as a Team lead it is more or less required. All programs will be addressed, and CD representatives will be interviewed.

Other Business

  1. Seedling Sales - Ginny
    • Sales are updated every day – look at what Ginny sent out. $9,670 has hit our bank account from sales of seedlings and survival products. Suggested we should close sales on May 10th? Reorder more of what is at zero (sold out) if still can.
    • Website will renew automatically every three years.
    • Debbie moved to let Ginny and Kent order more seedlings or turn back and the motion passed.
  2. 2024 LPCD Scholarship Application Review
    • The remainder of the meeting was spent reviewing the scholarship applications received. The applications received were ranked 1-10 (11) with the lowest score winning. Kent will send LPCD digital letterhead to Debbie so she can use to write letters to applicants. • Ginny suggested the CD should have a volunteer scholarship coordinator/youth outreach person.

Next Meeting

Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. at the USDA Ag Service Center, 31 Suttle St, Durango.

Meeting Adjourned: 6:00pm

Meeting minutes taken by Kent Grant, LPCD Secretary/Treasurer