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2024 Local Resource Concerns

A Natural Resource Concern is defined as an expected degradation of the soil, water, air, plant, or animal resource base to an extent the sustainability or intended use of the resource is impaired.

Prioritized Natural Resource Issues & Goals

To further aid in identifying trends and to help focus where La Plata Conservation District should be concentrating its efforts, LPCD’s Board of Supervisors and local NRCS office personnel jointly hosted a Local Workgroup Meeting in February 2024. The results created a list of key issues.

LPCD Ranked Critical Resource Concerns

Concern #1:  Water quality and quantity.

Concern #2:  Soil health and erosion control.

Concern #3:  Plants - pest pressure, degraded condition and fire managment

Concern #4: Animals - livestock production limitations and habitat for fish and wildlife 

Concern #5: Energy efficiency  of equipment and facilities or practices and field operations

To learn about different types of conservation issues that might impact the productivity or natural resources on your farm, ranch, or forest try the USDA Conservation Concerns Tool.

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